Sunday, May 4, 2008

Moose on the Loose

Last Fall a couple of moose came to visit the cabin while Russ was standing in the driveway. It is hard to see, but the one on the left is batting at a water spigot with its head. Shortly after this picture was taken, the clever moose succeeded in turning on the water.

Russ got to thinking (a new experience for him, as we all know). His thoughts went something like this:

"What if the moose drops by sometime when we're not here and turns on the water, then leaves? Hmmn. Can you say flood? Can you say wash away the gravel driveway? Can you say swimming pool in the crawlspace? And terror of terros, can you say get a nasty letter from the Timberlakes Water Company for using culinary water for landscaping? Aaaargh!"

Needless to say, we now keep a loop of rope over the water spigot so it can't be flipped up and turned on. Of course, the moose can probably untie the rope using its teeth and tongue. In fact, it probably does that whenever it needs a drink. Then it shuts off the water and reties the rope so we won't know. Ha, ha! Very funny. Then again, our water usage has been going up...

Being only a few feet from a couple of moose really brings home how large they are. So, sorry Doc, you can't keep them as pets.


MikkSolo said...

Change of link to not . No "s"

Stepper the Mighty said...

between the moose and the's remarkable that the cabin isn't completely re-landscaped every time you go up.

Badgers - little holes everywhere...

Moose - little piles everywhere... AND the running water to fill the holes.

The NEXUS changes it's name to "crater lakes"